Hello, and welcome to Ibby's blog. This is the landing page for now, but in the future this is going to be a lot more colorful and hopefully not just look like the notion page that it is.

In general, the reason that this blog exists is because of two things: because I'm convinced that policy decisions and public opinion aren't shaped by the smartest or most qualified, but by individuals who have opinions and are loud about them. I'm aiming to use data and evidence to try and shape my opinions, and this is a way that I can hold myself to that by documenting my thought process.

It's also, plain and simple, a hacky way to see if I can actually get myself to start journaling. After all, if I have literally tens of fans that are clamoring for my thoughts on (X), then I'll be put under more pressure to actually deliver on those (I'm kidding, there's no way this works.)

Oh, also: I'm going to do this on my phone, when I'm on the subway. Should be super fun.


100% Green Energy in NYC, with added savings!

Why was the math class I took in college dictated by a test from fifth grade?


Big 3, Big 4, and FAANG


The modern, modern data stack.

A crazy story on unfair markets and data privacy

Historical Zeitgeist?

Historical Events of the 1900’s

